Hi! I'm Mike Brucker

I'm a Web Developer/Software Engineer from Philadelphia

About Me

I'm Mike Brucker, a tech geek from Philadelphia with a Bachelor's Degree in Media Studies & Production. With each interest I have I apply technology to it. Apart from being technical support for my friends and family, I setup all of my own tech such as, vinyl systems, surround sound, recording equipment, and computers. My problem solving skills are off the charts which is why I learn so quickly and troubleshoot problems so well. The leap to learning software programming was an easy and exciting jump for me.

I acquired over 480 hours of coding knowledge in less than 3 months through a Web Development Intensive Course at New York Code & Design Academy. I have a firm grasp of Front-End web development, particularly JavaScript, and am strong on Back-End development using Ruby on Rails as the framework for many projects. I continue to expand my knowledge on all things coding, starting with React and Redux. I enjoy JavaScript so naturally I really like React and after learning Phaser3, it was very easy to jump right in.

In my free time I play hockey as a goaltender, video games on PlayStation4, travel when I can, and also love to cook. I am always analyzing and trying to optimize just about everything even outside of code. It is quite a useful skill to have when I play hockey and cook. Any error I make is always the biggest learning experience. The next time a similar situation comes up I am prepared and do better. I keep pucks and errors out of the net!




Tower Defense

Play GitHub Repo

Tower Defense game created with the Phaser3 library

  • Towers search for enemies within a set radius, returns the closest enemy object, then locks on to that enemy until it is destroyed or out of range.
  • Building towers ‘snap’ to a grid and cannot be built on each other or in ‘no-build zones’.
  • Optimized animations and sounds to prevent slowdowns audio build-up.
  • Enemies increase in speed and health each wave and special bosses come every 5 waves.
  • Enemies follow a set path. Boss enemies every fifth wave. Survive 30 waves to win.
  • If 20 Escape, You Lose.
  • Build: Costs 1 Resource to Place Tower.
  • Upgrade: Costs X Resources to Upgrade Tower Damage.
  • Demolish: Removes a Tower.
  • Arrow Keys: Moves Camera.
  • Num1: Zoom(x1).
  • Num2: Zoom(x1.25).
  • Num3: Zoom(x1.5).
  • Num4: Zoom(x1.75).
  • Num5: Zoom(x2).
  • Num9: Zoom In.
  • Num0: Zoom Out.

  • Blob-Man

    Play GitHub Repo

    Blob-Man (Pac-Man style game) made with the Phaser3 library

  • Pac-man clone game.
  • Blob man must collect all his blob children to pass the level.
  • Skeleton enemies turn down corridors using a custom JavaScript function to randomize their direction.
  • Skeletons increase in number every 2 levels.
  • Skeletons increase in speed every level.
  • Your scores are added to the bottom of the page after every game. They will disappear when you close down the page.
  • Custom game start button added for those that are truly insane.

  • Wheel of JavaScript

    Play GitHub Repo

    Wheel of Fortune clone created using JavaScript, jQuery and CSS styled to look like the real Wheel of Fortune board.

  • Game listens for input from the keyboard to guess a letter. Mobile has virtual keyboard to use.
  • Cannot guess letter if you must spin first.
  • 10 games completed to win
  • 10 wrong guesses per round and you lose
  • Hot keys: S for Spin // B for Begin
  • To solve puzzle type your guess into the box and click solve click enter guess for virtual keyboard

  • Blog in Gray

    Blog GitHub Repo

    Blog built in Ruby on Rails.

  • Features full CRUD functionality (create, read, update, destroy)
  • Users can create posts and comment on any post.
  • Comments and Posts maintain new lines with the enter or return key for minimal formatting.
  • Comments can be created and edited on the same page. Once created or edited the page is forced to refresh but will scroll back to the comment. If destroyed the page anchors itself on the original post.
  • This is only an example blog so do not use your bank passwords and you can use fake emails.
  • Log in as ExampleUser with the password example* or create your own account.